Worldline geometries for scattering amplitudes
R. Bonezzi, M. F. Kallimani
e-Print: 2502.18030 [hep-th]
The Double Copy of Maximal Supersymmetry in D=4
R. Bonezzi, G. Casale, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2501.02058 [hep-th]
Off-Shell Quantum Mechanics as Factorization Algebras on Intervals
C. Chiaffrino, N. Hassan, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2412.06912 [hep-th]
The Dark Side of Double-Tensor Multiplets
L. Andrianopoli, G. Casale, L. Ravera, A. Santambrogio
e-Print: 2412.01788 [hep-th]
Type-II backgrounds from deformed coset CFTs
G. Itsios
e-Print: 2411.11086 [hep-th]
Vertex operators for the kinematic algebra of Yang-Mills theory
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2408.17341 [hep-th]
Yang-Mills theory from the worldline
R. Bonezzi
e-Print: 2406.19045 [hep-th]
Double Copy of 3D Chern-Simons Theory and 6D Kodaira-Spencer Gravity
R. Bonezzi, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2404.16830 [hep-th]
Particle detectors under chronological hazard
A. Alonso-Serrano, E. Tjoa, L.J. Garay, E. Martín-Martínez
e-Print: 2402.17825 [quant-ph]
Tree-level Scattering Amplitudes via Homotopy Transfer
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2312.09306 [hep-th]
Emergent Time and Time Travel in Quantum Physics
A. Alonso-Serrano, S. Schuster, M. Visser
e-Print: 2312.05202 [gr-qc]
Weakly Constrained Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Theory
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2309.03289 [hep-th]
On black hole singularity resolution in D=2 via duality-invariant \(\alpha'\) corrections
T. Codina, O. Hohm, B. Zwiebach
e-Print: 2308.09743 [hep-th]
Holography as Homotopy
C. Chiaffrino, T. Ersoy, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2307.08094 [hep-th]
Gravity = Yang-Mills
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2306.14788 [hep-th]
Weakly constrained double field theory: the quartic theory
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2306.00609 [hep-th]
2D Black Holes, Bianchi I Cosmologies, and \(\alpha'\)
T. Codina, O. Hohm, B. Zwiebach
e-Print: 2304.06763 [hep-th]
Gauge invariant double copy of Yang-Mills theory: the quartic theory
R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2212.04513 [hep-th]
U-duality and \(\alpha'\) corrections in three dimensions
C. Eloy, O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
e-Print: 2211.16358 [hep-th]
An \(\alpha'\)-complete theory of cosmology and its tensionless limit
T. Codina, O. Hohm, D. Marques
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 4, 046023
e-Print: 2211.09757 [hep-th]
Cosmological Perturbations in Double Field Theory
O. Hohm, A. F. Pinto
JHEP 04 (2023) 073
e-Print: 2207.14788 [hep-th]
Gauge-invariant coefficients in perturbative quantum gravity
F. Bastianelli, R. Bonezzi, M. Melis
Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 12, 1139
e-Print: 2206.13287 [hep-th]
Supersymmetric action for 6D (4,0) supergravity
Y. Bertrand, S. Hohenegger, O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
JHEP 08 (2022) 255
e-Print: 2206.04100 [hep-th]
The gauge structure of double field theory follows from Yang-Mills theory
R. Bonezzi, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
Phys.Rev.D 106(2022) 2, 026004
e-Print: 2203.07397 [hep-th]
Homological Quantum Mechanics
C. Chiaffrino, O. Hohm, A. F. Pinto
e-Print: 2112.14495 [hep-th]
Duality invariant string beta functions at two loops
R. Bonezzi, T. Codina, O. Hohm
JHEP 02 (2022) 109
e-Print: 2111.05102 [hep-th]
Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills
F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm, J. Plefka
e-Print: 2109.01153 [hep-th]
General String Cosmologies at Order \(\alpha'^3\)
T. Codina, O. Hohm, D. Marques
e-Print: 2107.00053 [hep-th]
Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory II: Strings and Double Field Theory
A. S. Arvanitakis, O. Hohm, C. Hull, V. Lekeu
e-Print: 2106.08343 [hep-th]
Beta functions for the duality-invariant sigma model
R. Bonezzi, T. Codina, O. Hohm
e-Print: 2103.15931 [hep-th]
String Dualities at Order \(\alpha'^3\)
T. Codina, O. Hohm, D. Marques
e-Print: 2012.15677 [hep-th]
Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory via Homotopy Transfer
C. Chiaffrino, O. Hohm, A. Pinto
e-Print: 2012.12249 [hep-th]
Old Dualities and New Anomalies
R. Bonezzi, F. Diaz-Jaramillo, O. Hohm
Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 12, 126002
e-Print: 2008.06420 [hep-th]
Toward Exotic 6D Supergravities
Y. Bertrand, S. Hohenegger, O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
e-Print: 2007.11644 [hep-th]
Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory I: Tree-level
A. S. Arvanitakis, O. Hohm, C. Hull, V. Lekeu
e-Print: 2007.07942 [hep-th]
Duality Invariance and Higher Derivatives
C. Eloy, O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 12, 126018
e-Print: 2004.13140 [hep-th]
A Worldline Theory for Supergravity
R. Bonezzi, A. Meyer, I. Sachs
JHEP 06 (2020) 103
e-Print: 2004.06129 [hep-th]
Green-Schwarz Mechanism for String Dualities
C. Eloy, O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
Phys.Rev.Lett. 124 (2020) 9, 091601
e-Print: 1912.01700 [hep-th]
Duality Hierarchies and Differential Graded Lie Algebras
R. Bonezzi, O. Hohm
e-Print: 1910.10399 [hep-th]
One-loop quantum gravity from the \(\cal{N}\)=4 spinning particle
F. Bastianelli, R. Bonezzi, O. Corradini, E. Latini
JHEP 11 (2019) 124
e-Print: 1909.05750 [hep-th]
The many facets of exceptional field theory
O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
PoS CORFU2018 (2019) 098
e-Print: 1905.08312 [hep-th]
Non-perturbative de Sitter vacua via \(\alpha'\) corrections
O. Hohm, B. Zwiebach
Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 28 (2019) 14, 1943002
e-Print: 1905.06583 [hep-th]
Leibniz Gauge Theories and Infinity Structures
R. Bonezzi, O. Hohm
Commun.Math.Phys. 377 (2020) 3, 2027-2077
e-Print: 1904.11036 [hep-th]
Higher Gauge Structures in Double and Exceptional Field Theory
O. Hohm, H. Samtleben
Fortsch.Phys. 67 (2019) 8-9, 1910008
e-Print: 1903.02821 [hep-th]